Springfield METCO Application
     Ver: 2.5.0

The Metco Program is a grant program funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is a voluntary program intended to expand educational opportunities, increase diversity, and reduce racial isolation by permitting students in Springfield to attend public schools in other communities that have agreed to participate (E. Longmeadow, Longmeadow, Southwick-Tolland, and Hampden-Wilbraham). Please refer to the FAQ here provided by the Department Of Elementary and Secondary Education regarding the Metco program. The Contact Us option at the end of the FAQ should be used to address any concerns.

The METCO program does not honor a sibling pull in policy. Please note that surrounding communities are primarily taking incoming Kindergarten students.
 Please check this box to affirm that your child is of a racial background that is non-white.  

Student ID #       (Required)             
Student Birth Date       (Required)
Other Information
 I currently have another child enrolled in the METCO program.